Seyad Welfare Society

Seyad Welfare Society is the charitable society which is located in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu and has registered under the Society Act at Tirunelveli in the state Tamil Nadu during the year 1990.

  1. It has the following members
  2. 1.  Haji T.E.S Fathu Rabbani                                Chairman
  3. 2.   Haji F. Seyad Rabbani                                    Secretary
  4. 3.  Haji N Seyad Abdul Kareem                          G. Body Member
  5. 4.  Janab F Sadiq                                                  G. Body Member
  6. 5.  Janab N Seyad Nawaz                                   G. Body Member
  7. 6.  Haji K Seyad Abdul Kareem                           Treasurer
  8. 7.  Haji K Yoosuf Meeran                                     G. Body Member

It has  Education institutions under this society namely  Seyad Residential School & Seyad Hill View Nursery and Primary School located at Courtallam.  Further it runs a library called “Gnanathiravugoal” at Burkitmanagaram and also it manages an old age home for old poor old people in the name of “Fathimuthu Amma Illam”.