Seyad Home Industries
In the process of manufacturing biris a mixture of blended tobacco is wrapped in beedi Tendu leaves, cut to size, tied up with a thread, and sun dried. Biris give the pleasure of smoking. For manufacturing biris the raw material tobacco is procured from growing areas of Nipani in Karnataka and Gujarat, and beedi leaves are purchased from far flung places like Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Chhattisgarh.
Seyad Home Industries engages 53 independent contractors in various villages in Tirunelveli and Tuticorin District for manufacturing the biris. SHI supervise the quality and quantity periodically.

We are primarily engaged in the manufacture of beedis and marketing the same through our parent company viz., Seyadu Beedi Company.
SHIPL was incorporated in the year 2002 by taking over the erstwhile Seyad Cottage Industries engaged in the manufacture of beedies for Seyadu Beedi Company through its branches located in different geographical locations in the district of Tirunelveli.
The chief objective of giving birth to SHIPL was to corporatize the activities of beedi manufacturing and to expand the horizon of its business by entering into ventures of diversified fields. It is a part of the Seyad Group of Companies.
We have our HO in Tirunelveli, and have 7 branch offices located across the district of Tirunelveli at Alangulam, Ambasamudram, Surandai, Adaikkalapatnam, Tirunelveli and Lakshmiyoor. There is also a branch office in Chamrajanagar (Karnataka), Apart from this, SHIPL also tradies in shirts manufactured by our group concerns.